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Week Five - Absolutely Incredible

Week Five - Absolutely Incredible

Sri Iyer25 Aug 2023 - 12:59
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Latest update from Club Vice Chairman, Wes Shelbourne

Hello all,

You never fail to astound. We have smashed last week's conservative target of £18 000 and currently stand at just over £19 200. We are so, so close to achieving our ambitious target of hitting the £20 000 target by the end of this weekends Beer Festival (and it hasn't even started yet).

Once again, a massive thank you to all of you making this happen, this just shows what can .happen when we all pull together around a cause we are passionate about.

The eagle - eyed amongst you will have noticed that the campaign doesn't close until September 15th. So yes... you've guessed it let's set a new target and see how far we can take this.

Let's see if we can add another £5 000 by mid September. Let's dare to dream.

You are the Changemakers, the ones who can make dreams come true.

Further reading